As the world falls into turmoil, with the steeping curve of COVID-19 cases all across the globe, the possibility of this lockdown being lifted dwindles. Every person is fighting their own battles, trying to work their way around this ongoing adversity and running the system sitting in their homes. Most of them are working day and night trying to make the ends meet. A few of them can’t help find ways to be productive when all their works have been restricted to open hours of working.
Many are focusing their hours at binge-watching movies and shows, and as the day closes, they regret on how exceptionally well they have managed to waste their time. Everyone is occupied doing something. What separates them is that some are being productive and others are being pointless. Are you fed-up with your bleak-looking work hours?
Here is a list of ways of staying productive during Coronavirus lockdown.

Never been rewarded with being an employee of the year? Always falling behind someone in your class? Haven’t had the privilege of being the MVP of the Team? It’s time to remedy that.
It can’t be denied that the majority of people are viewing this lockdown as an extended vacation. So why not use this golden opportunity to hone your skills. The target is more potent and highly-efficient. Analyse your shortcomings and work on them till they become your asset. Seek advice from your superiors to have a better plan of action and search for ways to polish your current skills. Increasing your overall capabilities will increase your worth and value. And ‘worth’ is directly proportional to ‘respect and admiration.’
Surely a great way to be productive and work from home in lockdown.

People with a wider range of skills are always prioritized above the rest. There has always been a surge of demand for the people who are capable of bringing a dynamic aspect to work. That is what transcends you from being ordinary to extraordinary.
Work on how you furnish something extra to the organization you are working under. Having a multi-dimensional skill-set increases your desirability in the work sector and also your valuation. Additional benefits like a stronger portfolio and a substantial resource base also hold a lot of significance in your career prospect.
There are a plethora of online platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, Udemy, etc. Which gives you a vast array of options for acquiring new skills.
A profitable way of working from home in lockdown.

If you still aren’t past your student phase, here’s a window of opportunities for you. As a student, there’s no better time to look for openings than now. This applies to college as well as school students.
School students look for ways to earn a little extra pocket money. And if you have a good command on your writing or if you are a passionate programmer, you can opt for Content writing internships or web-development or something related to your forte.
Now that you’re saving a lot of time not commuting or going from classes to classes for attending lectures, you can invest that salvaged time in developing new skills and applying for internships based on those. Being a college student, earning a little extra sometimes is not a luxury but a necessity. Additionally, internships also provide you with certificate and validation, which are crucial for getting jobs through interviews.
If you think you have a desirable skill, then there are tons of internships waiting for you on platforms like Internshala or Letsintern.

Missed those few lectures on programming or of your Mathematics classes? Have compiled a lot of backlogs over this semester? It’s for your redemption.
Go through all those pending works which you’ve been promising yourself to do the next day from day one. If you still procrastinate on you stacked work then before you know it, the lockdown is over and you are back to square one collecting new incomplete assignments. It’s high time you caught up to your current status of work.
Keeping backlogs will hurt your schedule and is a bane to time management in the long run. Without further ado, get working those unfinished assignments or syllabus.
And as for the working class, it’s a great opportunity to unearth those buried projects which you thought were a dead-end or couldn’t get past the problem they presented. Give it a fresh start with a clear mind. Maybe this time turning the ignition might get your engine running.

There are times when we get a glance of certain articles or have-to-do list which you never got to do. Now you can open a slot of time to go through those things you wanted to be read or do but couldn’t because you were occupied with college or office works. Start cutting off things to do from your list one by one so that you could make up spaces for new ones. Branch out from only reading news about COVID-19 and keep yourself up to date with the past and current happenings of the things you’re passionate about or the people you idolize. Once the lockdown is over, at least you’ll be contented to know that you kept abreast of all the news about your interests. A perfect way to utilize your time and being productive in Coronavirus Lockdown.